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Welcome to RUIZ DE VELASCO web site

The group of RUIZ DE VELASCO, S.A., was founded in 1941 and since itīs foundation has concentrated in the shipping business, port services and other related activities such as:

Customs agents, ship brokers, forwarders and ship agents, stevedores and other related port operations and services.

Insurance brokers.

Logistic Consultants.

Representation in Spain of CONSOL Inc., being during the last years the largest supplier of coking coal to the Spanish steel industry.

Exclusive agents in Spain, Portugal, Central and South America of REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, Inc., for the sale of sporting arms and ammunition.

Promotion and development of real state projects in Spain and in Central and South America.

Promotion and development of Renewable Energies.

Buying and selling , storage and exportation of cereals and oleaginous in Argentina.

Contact us


+34 915629108
+34 915642488

© Copyright 2013 Ruiz de Velasco, S.A. All rights reserved.
Head office: Manuel González Longoria, 7 - Bajo Dcha - 28010 Madrid - Spain - Tel. +34 915629108